
Araiza International

Araiza CPA home page screenshot. In English:

Araiza CPA is one of the best accounting firms in North America. They offer an extensive range of services and guarantee positive results, including accounting, consultancy and litigation, and they know what it takes to be successful on both sides of the US/Mexico border.

The goal

Araiza CPA’s old website wasn’t made up to current standards. The website was made with Wix and it lacked a mobile version. When loading the site on a phone or a tablet things would be hidden outside of the screen, making it impossible for any visitors to see all of the important information.


Fortunately for everyone involved, the owner and CEO of Araiza CPA (Luis Perez) knew exactly what he was looking for out of his website.

Screenshot of one of Araiza CPA's website
Screenshot of one of Araiza CPA’s website

Like in any other project, I took the time to research and look at my client’s competitor’s websites. See what’s working and what wasn’t and what my client’s differentiator could be.

The process

After a careful examination of my client’s competitor’s website I realized we had a serious advantage. Araiza CPA’s competitor’s website weren’t leveraging new technologies and tendencies like the use of multilingual pages and chat widgets.

1. Multilingual site

None of the competition was leveraging multilingual sites, together, we took advantage of the situation and decided to offer the site on English and Spanish, creating different copy for each language.

Araiza CPA home page screenshot. In English:
Araiza CPA home page screenshot. In Spanish:

2. Chat widgets

Simply put: different cultures, different chat apps of choice. Knowing that in México WhatsApp is more popular, but in the United States Facebook Messenger reigns over WhatsApp, it was decided that a different chat bubble would be presented for each region of the world; thus, incrementing the chances of a client getting in touch with my client.

Inphographic depicting messenger app of choice based on country
Source: Hootsuite

The result

The result is a website that adapts to the needs of its visitors and conveys the information needed by my client in order for them to grow in a more efficient way.

Full screenshot of Araiza CPA's homepage
Full screenshot of Araiza CPA’s homepage

Rest assured that your business’ future is in the best hands

Ten la seguridad de que el futuro de tu negocio está en buenas manos

  • One-on-one web consultation sessions.
  • Tailor-made tech solutions for your specific business needs and goals.
  • Ongoing support: I’m here for updates, maintenance, and growth.
  • Sesiones de consulta web individuales y personales.
  • Sitios web a medida para las necesidades y objetivos específicos de tu negocio.
  • Soporte continuo: estoy aquí para actualizaciones, mantenimiento y el crecimiento de tu negocio.

Get in touchContáctame

Schedule a consultation or contact me for more information on my services.Agenda una consulta o contáctame para obtener más información sobre mis servicios.