
Wabo CRM

Wabo CRM is a customer relationship management tool developed by Itelisoft S.A. de C.V. that helps companies of all sizes create WhatsApp chat-bots to automate and simplify their processes. This is achieved by presenting the user with a simple drag and drop interface to create complex system flows, so that the customer can be guided towards a desired goal.

The goal

The website had to answer basic customer questions, convince the visitor that this is the tool they are looking for and need for their bussines, and guide them towards signing up for a trial after which a sales representative can reach out to sign them up for a full featured paid-version.


The team at Itelisoft knew they wanted to create a landing page that took inspiration from Typebot’s website.

Typebot's hero section
Typebot’s hero section

The process

After a careful examination and study process of Typebot’s landing page it was decided that the most important feature that Wabo CRM has to offer is its integration with third-party tools.

1. Showcasing possibilities

As mentioned, Wabo CRM differentiates from its competition thanks to the possibilities it offers by integrating well with third party tools. This had to be made clear through demonstrating all the different case uses the tool has for all sorts of businesses.

Wabo CRM possibilities
Wabo CRM possibilities

2. Keep it simple

One of my favorite principles: The KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid). Internet users are accustomed to carousels on the web. Carousels are a great way to showcase a lot of information through an easy and interactive interface, giving the visitors the ability to explore and discover by themselves.

Wabo CRM's KISS principle
Wabo CRM’s KISS principle

3. Closing the deal

It is a well known fact that one of the deciding factors for customers in a sea of products is the price point of a product. In order to show the products advantage over the competition it had to be made visually clear what the pricing structure is and how it compares to the competition.

Wabo CRM pricing screenshot
Wabo CRM pricing screenshot

The result

The result is a website that conveys the products capabilities and value proposition in one place. It has helped the parent company increase its presence online and bring in more revenue.

Wabo CRM full page screenshot
Wabo CRM full page screenshot

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  • One-on-one web consultation sessions.
  • Tailor-made tech solutions for your specific business needs and goals.
  • Ongoing support: I’m here for updates, maintenance, and growth.
  • Sesiones de consulta web individuales y personales.
  • Sitios web a medida para las necesidades y objetivos específicos de tu negocio.
  • Soporte continuo: estoy aquí para actualizaciones, mantenimiento y el crecimiento de tu negocio.

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